Healthy empowered and Peaceful society.
Healthy empowered and Peaceful society.
To improve the quality of lives through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in communities.
Accountability and transparency, Community participation, Quality Services responding to needs of clients, Respect for clients' rights, Respect for community culture and Quality Assurance
Neighbours in Action-Kenya has been working in Kenya since 2002.
We commenced our work in partnership with pathfinder international together with a volunteer from US peace corps in Kenya carrying out community-based home-based care to the bedridden in Burnt Forest township and its environs period 2002-2005. In 2006-2010 we implemented an Orphans and vulnerable children program funded by Capable Partners Program/USAID. In 2008 FAO Kenya supported Schools through Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools (JFFLS) and community through caregiver's support groups through Farmer Field Schools (FFS) methodology. Amref Health Africa Maanisha Program 2009-2011, Healthy Highway project reaching out to women -Most at risk population with behavior change communication activities namely: HIV testing, condom programming, treatments of Sexual Transmitted Infections and Cervical Cancer Screening. Through Global Fund as Sub Recipients of Care International in Kenya, Kenya Red Cross Society and Amref Health Africa we carryout Human Immuno Deficiency Sydrome (HIV) and Community Tuberculosis (TB) interventions. Since then we have built a substantial development and community programme, targeting around over 10,000 beneficiaries in Kenya per year.
We are currently carry out major programmes in communities health, livelihood, gender human rights and governance, environment and climate Change.
The Organization has a Board of Governance. Members of the Board of Governance include the following; Board Chair Person, Vice Chair, Board Secretary, Board Treasurer and 5 Other Members
Chair Person
Vice Chair Person
Secretary | CEO
Secretary | CEO
Head of Programs
Head of Finance
Monitoring and Evaluation Manager
Program Officer
Program Officer
Technical Officer